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Teachers, save “[SPEAKING] Five senses showcase survey” to assign it to your class.

Mr Jimenez

[SPEAKING] Five senses showcase survey

Grades: 9th Grade, 8th Grade, 7th Grade
Subjects: Science, Social Studies, Multilingual Learners

Student Instructions

Our students have been learning all about the five senses, but today they are going to share what they know and teach it to younger students. They will do this in the hall or in some specific space inside the school, but preferably not in the classrooms. Students may pick a name for today’s activity (maybe ‘Senses Fair’ or ‘Senses Showcase’ could work). Then they will set up the mini projects they have done throughout the whole unit, and by teams they will stay in one station and have students from younger grades come to their station and experience each of the activities they prepared focused on each of the five senses. At the end of the activity, our students may survey the younger students to find out which station they liked best. They can use the following template (or any other they may find).
