Student Instructions
Visit the UNESCO World Heritage website and explore their list. Select the most interesting site and prepare to defend why you selected it. Begin to find other resources about this site and add them to your brainstorming document. Once everyone is done, you will share why you selected this site and why it is the most interesting location. Write a 5-paragraph essay stating your opinion in complete sentences. Post your essay to Seesaw and read it aloud. STEP 1: Visit the UNESCO World Heritage list STEP 2: Explore World Heritage sites STEP 3: Select the most interesting STEP 4: Find other resources about this location and take notes STEP 5: Use the writing process to write a 5-paragraph opinion essay stating why you selected this site and why it is the most interesting STEP 6: Upload your essay with a creative title, picture, and references STEP 7: Record your voice reading your essay
UNESCO World Heritage List: