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Teachers, save “Advice Columnist” to assign it to your class.

Kara Brem

Advice Columnist

Grades: 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Reading, English Language Arts, Writing

Student Instructions

An advice columnist is a person who writes a column in a newspaper or magazine in which they reply to readers who have written to them for advice on their personal problems. Pretend you are an advice columnist. Write a letter to a character telling him/her how to solve one of his/her problems in the story. 1. Write a draft of your letter of advice. 2. Decide how you'd like to deliver that letter to the character. For example, handwritten, typed, etc. 3. Using any of the seesaw tools, share your FINAL copy of the letter. (See the example attached of just one way a student chose to share a letter as a final copy.) 4. Click the check to submit it to your teacher for approval.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This can be used with any book students are reading in grades 3 and up. It originally was designed to go with a Think-Tac-Toe-Novel Study I adapted from various sources which can be found at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SzrNFJEVC6tMQgr4I4NM89t-nZHzK8qg4RTx9Cjdwlc/copy.
