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Eilis Smart

Ozoblockly Debugging Challenge

Grades: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Computer Science

Student Instructions

Learning Intention: We are learning to debug our programs Success Criteria: I can define debugging I can find and fix errors in a program add 1️⃣Open the Ozoblockly editor: https://ozoblockly.com/editor 2️⃣Complete the cloze activity to define debugging 3️⃣Go through the challenges. Create the program shown and then find and fix the bugs to match the intended program. 4️⃣Take a screenshot of the fixed program and paste it onto the slide 5️⃣Work through each challenge. check OR draft

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Template made with Canva for Education Lesson adapted from the Ozoblockly debugging lesson found here https://classroom.ozobot.com/lessons/lnbnoFeNIOQZCqDa97ZCAXRg7p?utm_source=ozo-blog&utm_medium=content-ozo&utm_campaign=lessons&utm_term=4&utm_content=ob-lessons
