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Ava Zang

谢谢 不客气 / Thank you, you are welcome 和 Chinese number 1-10 practice

Grades: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: World Languages

Student Instructions

Chinese numbers play an important role in Chinese culture and learning. Please make sure you know how to use the hand gesture to show the number and read it aloud the number. In the end, please record yourself introduce Chinese numbers from 1 - 10 in Chinese with the hand gesture. If you want to say your age, you can say: 我wo ___ 岁sui。 For example, I am one year old in Chinese would be 我wo一yi岁sui。 I am eight years old that would be 我wo八ba岁sui。 How old are you? 你ni几ji岁sui? Please answer me by replying to record yourself!
