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Teachers, save “Move It, Move It!” to assign it to your class.

Jill Briscoe

Move It, Move It!

Grades: 1st Grade, Kindergarten, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Computational Thinking, Coding, Computer Science

Student Instructions

1. To bigin, tap add. 2. pages 2: Press ▶️ and watch 👀 the example. 3. pages 3, 4, 5: Use pen to cross out the wrong piece of code. 4. pages 6, 7, 8, 9: Use move to move the arrows onto the map to show the code from the start to the jewel. 5. Tap check to turn in your work.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Adapted from the Code.org Course B unplugged lesson: https://studio.code.org/s/courseb-2022/lessons/2
