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Mrs Cloe Milonopoulos

Piet Mondrian Nome delle lettere della bolla arte (Piet Mondrian bubble letters name art)

Grades: 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: World Languages, Art

Student Instructions

Today you are going to learn about the artista (artist) Piet Mondrian and his arte (art). You will create your arte by disegnare (drawing) your nome in lettere della bolla (bubble letters) and dividing up the letters in the style of Mondrian. You will use COLORI PRIMARI (primary colours) to colour in and then outline the letters in NERO. Materials you will need: -libro d'arte (sketchbook) -You will NOT be using paint as shown in the video. Instead you will need pennarelli (markers), pastelli (crayons) or matite colorate (colored pencils) using BLU (blue), ROSSO (red), GIALLO (yellow), and NERO (black) colori only! 1. Clicca (click) the video attachment to watch the FIRST video to learn about Piet Mondrian. 2. Go to the SECONDA PAGINA (second page) of the video attachment to watch the video on HOW to draw the bubble letters arte. 3. Now it's your turno (turn) to disegnare your Mondrian nome in your libro d'arte. You can re-watch the video and clicca pause pause as many times as needed. 4. When you are finito (finished) colouring your arte using the COLORI PRIMARI, clicca add and then clicca photo to take un foto (a photo) of your arte and upload it onto Seesaw. 5. Clicca check and post it to your journal.
