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Teachers, save “Health Related Components of Fitness Check” to assign it to your class.

Mr. Coleman

Health Related Components of Fitness Check

Grades: 5th Grade, Other, 4th Grade
Subjects: Health, Physical Education

Student Instructions

Show what you know about the Health Related Components of Fitness 1. Tap the add add button. 2. Take a photo photo or a video video of you or a partner doing an exercise. 3. Use the label label tool to tell what component of fitness the photo shows. a. Cardiorespiratory Endurance b. Muscle Strength c. Muscle Endurance d. Flexibility e. Body Composition 4. Tap the caption caption tool and type or add your voice with the mic mic tool to explain why you think your photo shows your component of fitness choice. 5. Tap the check check to add to your journal.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This activity is to check students' knowledge of the health related components of fitness. Pre-teaching ahead of time will be necessary. This video is very helpful in explaining the 5 health related components of fitness: https://youtu.be/NhpJiU9EUJA This activity helps meet the SHAPE America health and PE standards 1, 3 and 5 Standard 1: I have the skills to move and play Standard 3: I know how to get fit and stay fit Standard 4: I know why it is important to be physically active Link to SHAPE America Standards- https://50million.shapeamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Elementary-National-StandardsPoster.pdf
