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Teachers, save “Research of Geoglyphs of the World” to assign it to your class.

Jemma Findlay

Research of Geoglyphs of the World

Grades: 6th Grade, 5th Grade, 7th Grade
Subjects: Social Studies, History

Student Instructions

Research geoglyphs around the world and create a short iMovie to display your knowledge.  You must include: (2 geoglyphs) *An image *The location (maybe a map to help) You should include: (3 geoglyphs) *What the geoglyphs may represent *When they were discovered You could include: (4+ geoglyphs) *What they are made out of *Any further theories of how they were created. Once completed, save and upload to this activity. Check list: * Is it my own work? * Have I researched at least 2 geoglyphs? * Have i written the information in my own words? * Have I included images and location of each geoglyph? * Have I extended myself and researched 3+ geoglyphs? * Have I extended myself and described what they may represent? * Have I extended myself and included when they were discovered and by whom (if known) * Have I extended myself and described what they are made out of? * Have I extended myself and included any theories on how they were created?

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Must: Minimum work required. If complete, this would be a C/D grade depending on level of description/own words etc Should: Including the 'must' criteria as well as the 'should' criteria. If complete, this would be a B/C grade depending on level of description/own words etc Could: Including the 'must' and 'should' criteria as well as the 'could' criteria. If complete, this would be an A/B grade depending on level of description/own words etc.
