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Teachers, save “Coordinate Battleship” to assign it to your class.

Andy Leiser

Coordinate Battleship

Grades: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

add Tap add to begin this Activity when you have a partner. pages Page 2: Place Your Ships move Use the move tool to place five ships on the coordinate grid. ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️ 1: Five-dot ship (vertical or horizontal) ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️ 1: Four-dot ship (vertical or horizontal) ⚫️⚫️⚫️ 2: Three-dot ships (vertical or horizontal) ⚫️⚫️ 1: Two-dot ship (vertical or horizontal) The ships may not overlap and they may not hang off the board. Once you and your partner have placed your five ships, you may begin the game. pages 1: Mark Your Guesses pen Double-tap the pen tool to increase the dot size. Say your guess aloud by reading the column letter and then the row number. (C-4) Use the pen to mark your guesses. 🔴: Hits ⚪️: Misses You get one guess and then your partner guesses. pages 2: Mark Your Partner's Guesses When your partner is guessing, listen to their guess. If their coordinate guess lands on one of your ships, say "Hit!" If their coordinate guess lands in the water, say "Miss." Use the pen to mark their guesses. 🔴: Hits ⚪️: Misses Keep taking turns guessing coordinates until one partner hits and sinks all the ships of their opponent. Congratulate each other on a good game. checkcheck Post your game boards for your teacher to see.
