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Jennifer Seitsinger @ShareMooreTech

InstaReport - Character/Book Report

Grades: 6th Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Reading, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

For this activity you will choose a character from your reading selection and create an "Insta" account for them. You will be creating the character's profile, "Insta" post, and choosing friends to follow. Make sure that each response reflects the character's traits and what happened in the story. Slide 1- Profile Pic: Add an original drawing, a picture from your book, or add an image that you find online. Profile/Character Traits: Imagine that you are the character how would you describe yourself? Be sure to use relevant traits that are found in your reading. (This response will be added as text.) Slide 2- Insta Post: Imagine that your are the character create a post about something that would be important or meaningful to you. This could be an event from the story, a thought the character may have had, an idea, or even a quote. (You have the option to choose from a variety of sharing tools.) Slide 3- "Insta" Friends: Imagine you are the character. Who would you follow? Be sure your choices can be supported by your reading selection. Add an original drawing, a picture from your book, or add an image that you find online for each friend. Type the friends name below the picture. When you are finished click the green check mark to submit.
