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Teachers, save “Home Learning - Unplugged Coding” to assign it to your class.

Erica Lord

Home Learning - Unplugged Coding

Grades: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: STEAM, Home Learning, Computer Science

Student Instructions

An algorithm is a set of step-by-step instructions or formula for solving a problem or completing a task. Algorithms are used by computer programmers to instruct computers how to perform a task. You are going to write a very simple algorithm based on the same codes that Blue-Bots use. Use the directional arrows to find a path on the map for the alien to find his way back to his spaceship. Your algorithm has to be followed by another person. 1. Tap add 2. Follow the instructions on the template provided. Duplicate new arrows when needed and put them on your chart. 3. Add a caption about your success and what you found easy or difficult about this activity. 4. upload to Seesaw when finished. Tap check
