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Teachers, save “Snowflakes” to assign it to your class.

Mrs. Cuthbertson, NBCT


Grades: 1st Grade, 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Science, STEAM

Student Instructions

add Click on the link to hear the story Snowflake Bentley. On each page in this activity your can click on the snowflake to hear the directions. check

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Retell: story Snowflake Bentley https://youtu.be/cEU1Qy3lItM What did you Learn? A fact that you learned about Snowflake Bentley https://youtu.be/ptLmA263hlk An Fact you learned about where Snowflakes come from https://youtu.be/-M48RfaWcWA My Snowflakes: Add a picture of your snowflakes. What Happened: Draw a picture of what happened when you dropped your snowflakes. Reflect: What did you like about this activity? Was there something you would change about your snowflakes to make them better?
