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All About Me

Grades: 8th Grade, 7th Grade, 6th Grade
Subjects: Character Building, Writing, Seesaw Essentials

Student Instructions

Practice using the Seesaw Tools to share about yourself! 1. Click add Add Response. 2. Follow the prompts on each page to create your own personalized journal that tells us "All About You"! 3. Use the frame-label Label Frame to enter your name. 4. Use the frame-label Label Frames to talk about your goal, and use the frame-voice Voice Frame to talk about your goal. 5. Use the Goal Tracker to drag a shapes star to represent the days you worked toward your goal. 6. Use the frame-label Label Frame or frame-voice Voice Frame to reflect on the questions about your goal. 7. Use the frame-student-choice Student Choice Frame to share about your achievement or discuss your journey towards achieving your goal. 8. Click the check once to save a draft Draft. Click the green check Check to post to your Journal.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Get to know students and build community while teaching essential Seesaw skills! This is Activity 1 of 5 in the Grades 6+ Getting Started Collection. Check out the complete Getting Started Guides at web.seesaw.me/resources-for-teachers. Teacher Instructions: 1. As a class, watch 'What is Seesaw? For Students' and 'How to Sign In' for your class's sign-in mode. Find all Getting Started videos here: seesaw.pub/GSVideos 2. Model the Activity: Click 'Present to Class' to model the activity for students. 3. Circulate to support students to sign in and respond to the Activity. Materials: - Getting Started videos: seesaw.pub/GSVideos
