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Beth Webster

Countries Around the World- Let's learn about our friends!

Grades: 3rd Grade, 5th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: World Languages, Social Studies, Multilingual Learners

Student Instructions

1. Ask you partner what country they or their family came from originally. 2. Go to www.kidtopia.info to start your research. 3. Click on the 'countries' icon and research your partner's country. Use the graphic organizer to guide your research. 4. Tap the add button. 5. Use the label tool to use emojis, words, phrases and sentences to complete the graphic organizer. 6. Use the rec tool to further explain your partner's country. 7. Tap the check button to add to your journal. 8. We will print out the graphic organizers and display them around the room so we can learn more about our friends.
