Student Instructions
Click on the button.
In this activity you will use an interactive tool to support your understanding. You will need a pack of playing cards with the picture cards (K, Q, J) removed from the pile. Treat the Ace as value 1. You will also need a pencil or pen to act as the vinculum (the line through the centre of the fraction).
Lay the pencil on the table and deal a random card above and below the pencil. This will then become your fraction.
Deal another card above and below the pencil. This will be your fraction to compare. Use the fraction app to help you compare. For example if you had 3/4 and 5/6 to compare then in the fraction app you would choose the rectangle bar and choose 4 parts. Then you would select another rectangle bar and choose 6 parts. Colour in 3 of the 4 parts and colour in 5 of the 6 parts. See which fraction is bigger. In this case 5/6 is bigger than 3/4.
In the
section screen shot 4 examples of your fraction comparisons from the fraction app and write which is bigger. There is an example to show you what to do. Click on the
button when you are finished to add your work to your journal.