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Maria Bacy

Consonant Blends: Bl, Gr, Sp

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: Literacy, Language Development, Early Literacy
Standards: Blending spoken phonemes to form one-syllable words. (ELA.K.2(A)(viii)), Decoding words with initial and final consonant blends, digraphs, and trigraphs. (ELA.1.2(B)(ii)), Blending spoken phonemes to form one-syllable words, including initial and/or final consonant blends. (ELA.1.2(A)(v)), Decoding words in isolation and in context by applying common letter sound correspondences. (ELA.1.2(B)(i)), Identifying and matching the common sounds that letters represent. (ELA.K.2(B)(i)), Using letter-sound relationships to decode, including VC, CVC, CCVC, and CVCC words. (ELA.K.2(B)(ii))

Student Instructions

1) add Open the Consonant Blends activity 2) Complete each activity. 3) Some activities require you to use the video video or microphone mic option. 4) Have fun working on these spelling activities!
