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Teachers, save “[SPEAKING] How I feel about Christmas” to assign it to your class.

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Mr Jimenez

[SPEAKING] How I feel about Christmas

Grades: 8th Grade, 7th Grade, 9th Grade
Subjects: Social Studies, Multilingual Learners, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

The teacher shows on the board pictures of Christmas holidays, and asks the students to say how they feel about Christmas, what they like to do, what traditions they like the most and, generally speaking, anything about this period. The teacher may want to write on the board some of the key words that appear in the students’ productions. Students walk around the classroom asking their partners what their favorite Christmas food is, and also whether they have tried any of the foods mentioned before or not. They add up the numbers and find out what the most favorite food is. In the end, everybody joins in the discussion and sharing of the results, and check if they coincide or not (which they should, obviously). You can use photo video drawing note link or mic
