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Teachers, save “[WRITING] Interviewing a celebrity” to assign it to your class.

Mr Jimenez

[WRITING] Interviewing a celebrity

Grades: 8th Grade, 7th Grade, 9th Grade
Subjects: Multilingual Learners, Social Studies, Writing

Student Instructions

Students work individually to write an interview for a celebrity. First, they pick whichever celebrity they want (either someone they already learned about or anyone else); then they write some questions following the ones in the example above or any other question they may come up with. When they are done, they ask the questions to their peers in order to get some feedback. Questions are not answered yet. Students share their questions with each other in small groups. Then they pick the best questions and rewrite the interview in a more formal, better looking way. They end up sending the interview to that real celebrity by mail, or even better, using e-mail or social media. Students may want to let the celebrity know they are a set of students and that is an actual assignment, and see if they can get any response from the celebrity him/herself or their team. The last five minutes every team shares with the rest of the class their interviews.
