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Faisons connaissance!

Grades: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: Character Building, Art, World Languages

Student Instructions

Raconte-nous qui tu es! Avec des crayons et du papier, dessine un autoportrait, c'est-à-dire un portrait de toi-même! add 1. Clique sur le bouton "add". (add signifie en anglais "ajouter") photo 2. Avec l'outil appareil photo, prends une photo de ton dessin. mic 3. Clique sur le micro et raconte-nous qui tu es! Aide-nous à mieux te connaître! check 4. Clique sur le V vert pour ajouter cette activité à ton journal!

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Seesaw has tools that students can use to help build community in your classroom. The photo and microphone tools are great ways for kindergarteners to express themselves. In this activity, let’s give your students another chance to practice using the photo and microphone tools in Seesaw. Students will use classroom materials such as paper and crayons to draw a picture of themselves. To do this activity with students…. 1. Like ♡ then share this activity by tapping the green Share button. 2. Students sign in to Seesaw. 3. Students follow the steps to complete the activity.
