Student Instructions
We practiced reading this passage as a group. Now it's your turn!
1. Click Add Response.
Click the mic.
Click the arrow to follow along in the text as as your read.
4. 🗣️ Read the passage aloud.
5. 👂 When you finish, listen to your recording.
6. 🤔 What did you do well? What would you like to improve?
Click on caption, and write or tell your goal for next time.
Click the green check to add to your journal.
👨👧 Home Connection
Show your family your reading recording and your goal. Ask a family member to listen to you read the text again.
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
Research shows that repeated reading paired with guidance and feedback from peers, parents, and teachers are effective in improving a variety of reading skills. Re-reading improves overall reading ability.
1. Choose an appropriate text.
2. Upload the passage for the week: Click the > Copy and Edit Activity > Add Template for Student Response.
3. Choral read the passage in small groups (based on Lexile level).
4. Students complete the activity independently.
5. Review students' self-assessment and give additional feedback if needed.
6. Students repeat this activity two more times.
7. Move on to a new passage and repeat.
-Pre-teach key vocabulary and background knowledge.
-Include written and spoken directions (in English or home language)
-Include pictures to support comprehension.
-Include a recording of you reading the passage as an example, so students can refer to it if they get stuck.