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Teachers, save “Reading Aloud 朗读短文 朗讀短文” to assign it to your class.

Wendy Liao

Reading Aloud 朗读短文 朗讀短文

Grades: Other, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Multilingual Learners, World Languages, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

Tap add Tap drawing on iPads, to record rec the text. You may use drawing pencil to circle the words you are having trouble with When finished, click on check to review your recording. check again if you are ready to upload to Seesaw

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

The purpose of this task is to work on students reading fluency. Teachers can use this as 1. character recognition tasks, 2. reading fluency in any languages, 3. running record learning evident etc
