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Teachers, save “Days of the Week - In Order” to assign it to your class.

Mrs. Pullam

Days of the Week - In Order

Grades: 1st Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: Math, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

1. Tap the add button. 2. Tap the label button. 3. Put the days of the week in order. 4. Tap the rec and record. 5. Tap the check

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Update April 2021, I used the new lock and move feature on the days of the week. In addition, it was reformatted to be organized horizontally, just like a calendar. A video/song could be added to give the students a quick review if needed. With primary students, I try to be consistent in the setup of each activity. The yellow star is always where I want the students to start. The directions are attached here. I feel there are fewer clicks and places to visit before completing the activity.
