Student Instructions
Today we are going to attempt to construct a house for one of the 3 Little 🐷 ‘s that will be strong enough that the Big Bad Wolf will not be able to blow it down.
Using toothpicks and small jubes, tape a construction paper pig to the paper plate for them to build their house around. Students will need to use at least 10 toothpicks and 10 jubes. Other than that, it was open ended for them to be creative.
When they felt that their house was complete, we put it to the test with the big bad wolf (blow dryer). If they were unsuccessful, they went back and redesigned their house to try again. If they were successful, the Seesaw Post can begin.
1. Tap
2. Tap
to record the big test with the Big Bad Wolf (Hair Dryer)
3. Tap
to record your explanation & reflection.
4. Tap
to add to your journal.